
Latest news on the Blog!

A Brisk April Shower Walk

6 Apr 2016 Steph Heard   Personal Trainer

Today a client and I walked just over 3km in just over half an hour, whilst dodging the showers and blustery wind.

Brisk Walks

30 Mar 2016 Steph Heard   Personal Trainer

Today a client and I briskly walked 7km around Zeal Monachorum and Bow Devon, in the beautiful sunshine. My client is recovering from a broken ankle and is used to running so now we have to take things at a slower pace but she did very well. She will soon be back to gentle intermittent jogs.

Personal Training Wedding Package

11 Jul 2015 Steph Heard   Personal Trainer

For a year I have been working with a couple planning to get married. Today is there special day, congratulations and well done to them for all the hard work they have put into training. They have become good friends over this last year.
All the best for your future together.

Wedding Packages

9 Jun 2014 Steph Heard   Personal Trainer
Wedding Packages image

Personal Training wedding packages are starting to be scheduled up for the Wedding Fair on 20th July on Crediton Square. Theses are going to be for Brides and Grooms, tailor made.

Happy New Year

31 Dec 2013 Steph Heard   Personal Trainer

To 2014 with new and exciting classes and special offers for personal training and boot camps.

Young Farmers Group

28 Dec 2013 Steph Heard   Personal Trainer

Today I helped a group of young farmers with dance choreography for a competition which is next January.
Well done they worked very hard. Next sessions Monday.

Happy Boxing Day

26 Dec 2013 Steph Heard   Personal Trainer

I hope everyone had all they wanted yesterday, plus lots of food and drink.

Leisure Centres are open tomorrow but no classes. A lovely walk in the fresh air with some hills will burn a few extra calories.

Advertising Post

19 Dec 2013 Steph Heard   Personal Trainer

Feeling very excited about new ideas for printing new tshirts and flyers after visiting print place this morning.

Personal Trainer Client

10 Dec 2013 Steph Heard   Personal Trainer

Welcome back! After trip to Australia, my client has returned today for training session with me.


19 Nov 2013 Steph Heard   Personal Trainer

This morning visited the printing place for advertising ideas. Maybe new T-shirts. Very excited with the ideas.